
Modifying the code

This section details how to use PROMISE. First you need to modify your source code to tell PROMISE which variables you want to be considered, and which output(s) should be considered for the final accuracy. And then, you can run PROMISE and get some results.

Defining the types to be considered

To use PROMISE on your C/C++ code, you first need to instrument your code and change the type of the variables you want to change in quad/double/single/half. This is done by introducing a __PROMISE__ type, and you need to change manually [1] the type of these variables. So

double a,b;


__PROMISE__ a,b;

All the variables defined with the __PROMISE__ type will be examined, and different types (quad, double, float, half) will be tried. Note that a and b are defined with the __PROMISE__ type but their types are not linked, and will not be necessarily the same. In order to link types, another dedicated PROMISE type can be used, in the form __PR_xxxx__ where xxxx is user defined. For example, to define that a variable must have the same type as the return type of a function, we can write

__PR_ret__ foo(int bar, double x) {
    __PR_ret__ y;
    y = x*bar;
    return y;

If we use __PROMISE__ for the return type of foo and for y, PROMISE may try two different types. So, in order to have two variables a and b with the same type chosen by PROMISE, we must define

__PR_ab__ a,b;

Specifying the output(s)

Two functions [2] are used to tell PROMISE which variables to check:

  • PROMISE_CHECK_VAR to check a variable

  • PROMISE_CHECK_ARRAY to check an array

So, if you want PROMISE to check the accuracy of the variable res at the end of a given computation, you need to add


after the computation.

If res is an array, then


should be used (where size is an integer with the array size). Then all the values of the array are checked to determine if they satisfy the accuracy requirement.

PROMISE_CHECK_VAR can be called several times (with the same variable or not), and in that case, all the occurrences are checked against the requirements.


The Promise.yml file

Once your code is adapted to PROMISE, it’s time to run PROMISE. For that, there is a script called runPromise that has been created (usually in /usr/local/bin/) when installing PROMISE. To run, PROMISE needs to know:

  • where is your source code

  • how to compile it

  • how many digits you need for the specified output(s)

All these informations (and other options) are given in a specific yml config file, named promise.yml by default. It should contains the following informations:


a yml list of commands to compile the source code. The compilation should include the CADNA library, so options such as -lcadnaC -L$CADNA_PATH/lib -I$CADNA_PATH/include should be added to your g++ command line. As a remark, CADNA requires g++, not gcc.


executable name produced by the compilation process


comma-separated list of source files (files considered and parsed by PROMISE)


required (general) number of correct digits

The following informations are optional:


dedicated number of digits per variable (should be a yml dictionary: for each variable name, an integer is given). For the variables not defined here, the (general) number of digits given in nbDigits is used


name of the log file (no log file if this is not defined)


verbosity level (integer between 0 and 4). 0 means minimum messages, 1 (default level) for some info messages, 2 for debug messages, 3 to display the command lines used and 4 to get the promise-dedicated outputs of the runs


verbosity level for the log file (the integer values already mentioned)


name of the output repository (result/ by default)

A minimum promise.yml file could be (for a simple project based on and and 8 expected digits):

- g++ -c -I$CADNA_PATH/include
- g++ -c -I$CADNA_PATH/include
- g++ foo.o bar.o -o mytest.out -lcadnaC -L$CADNA_PATH/lib -I$CADNA_PATH/include
run: mytest.out
nbDigits: 8

Using all the options, we can have something like (we expect 4 digits for the variable x, 2 for foo and 8 for the other variables):

- g++ -c -I$CADNA_PATH/include
- g++ -c -I$CADNA_PATH/include
- g++ foo.o bar.o -o mytest.out -lcadnaC -L$CADNA_PATH/lib -I$CADNA_PATH/include
run: mytest.out
nbDigits: 8
    x: 4
    foo: 2
log: mylog.txt
verbosity: 1
verbosityLog: 4
output: finalResult/

Command line usage

In addition to the parameters put in the promise.yml, we need to tell PROMISE which floating-point tuning it should do. The command runPromise is used to run PROMISE, followed with one of the three [3] possibilities:

  • hsd for Half/Single/Double mixed-precision

  • hs for Half/Single mixed-precision

  • sd for Single/Double mixed-precision

So the command:

$ runPromise sd

simply runs PROMISE for Single/Double mixed-precision using the parameters from the promise.yml file in the current directory.

The option --conf CONF_FILE can be used to indicate PROMISE that the file CONF_FILE should be used instead of promise.yml (used to specify the path of promise.yml for example).

The option --debug can also be used for developing PROMISE (it displays execution traces when an error arises and puts the intermediate results in the debug/ folder.

The option --pause is used to force a pause between the different steps of the Delta Debug algorithm (sometimes used for debugging).

Moreover, all the previous options can also be specified in the command line, by prefixing them with -- (if an option is specified in both, the command line value prevails). They are gathered in the usage documentation (obtained with runPromise --help):

 Promise v2

    runPromise -h | --help
    runPromise (hsd|hs|sd) [options]

  -h --help                     Show this screen.
  --conf CONF_FILE              get the configuration file [default: promise.yml]
  --output OUTPUT               set the path of the output (where the result files are put)
  --verbosity VERBOSITY         set the verbosity (betwen 0 display the minimum and 4 for very low level debug) [default: 1]
  --log LOGFILE                 set the log file (no log file if this is not defined)
  --verbosityLog VERBOSITY      set the verbosity of the log file
  --debug                       put intermediate files into `debug/` and display the execution trace when an error comes (only use during promise development)
  --run RUN                     file to be run
  --compile COMMAND             command to compile the code
  --files FILES                 list of files to be examined by PROMISE (by default, all the .cc files)
  --nbDigits DIGITS             general required number of correct digits
  --path PATH                   set the path of the project (by default, the current path)
  --pause                       do pause between steps
  hsd                           Half/Single/Double mixed-precision
  hs                            Half/Single mixed-precision
  sd                            Single/Double mixed-precision

Usually, the common options used for a project are put in the promise.yml file (like the compilation commands, the files, etc.), whereas the options frequently changed (for various attempts) are put in the command line (like the number of digits or the verbosity level). A typical runPromise command can be:

runPromise hsd --nbDigits=5 --verbosity=2


The parsing done to recognize the type of the variables (__PROMISE__ and __PR_xxx__-like) is not robust to all the codes. For example, array declarations and initializations may not work.